Why Use Us?

We are here for you!

At EFS we know that you want to get into your next property sooner. In order to do that, you need to get the application and approvals done fast. The problem is, dealing with banks is confusing and wastes a lot of time which makes you feel overwhelmed and frustrated.

We believe that a “no” from your bank isn’t the final answer and there has to be a way to get the deal done.

We understand there’s many other ways to craft a deal and your bank won’t tell you about all the ways it can get done, but we will which is why we’ve helped hundreds of customers not only save thousands of dollars, we’ve also got many deals done when the applicant was told “no”.

Incredible Client Results!

Annual interest saving compared to previous structure of $16,390 plus a cash rebate from new funder of $10,000

Derek – Mulgrave VIC

Large debt consolidation and restructuring resulting in saved interest and cash flow of $118k per annum

Sharon H – Glenelg SA

Refinance & restructure resulting in saved interest of $28,000 and an $8,000 cash rebate from the new funder.

Brett S – Castle Hill NSW

Here’s how we do it:

1: Schedule A Call

2: We Build Out Your Application

3: Celebrate Your Approved Loan

So schedule a call to find out about ‘The Loan Eliminator - 0.75% Interest Rate’ so you can stop banging your head against the wall trying to apply directly to your bank and instead get your loan approved faster, save money and spend your time doing more of the fun stuff that comes with buying a property.

Why Use EFS?

EFS was established in 2000, as a result of the Directors of EFS getting tired of seeing the lack of customer service being provided to borrowers. This included not only the companies that they were working for at the time, but also the Home Loan Industry in general.

With numerous years between them in the Corporate Investment Finance, Home Lending and the general investment arena in 2000 the Directors of EFS decided to establish a company that's primary focus was to assist its clients in every stage of the home loan application process. From pre-assessment to settlement and everything in between. No matter what the purpose of funds are for we can assist you with the process.

At any given time the experts at EFS know when and what banks have an appetite for all types of lending. We also know which banks are the more generous with their assessment policies. There can be as much as a 30% variance between landers and how much they are willing to lend you. Its always good to know which lenders are the most accommodating for your scenario otherwise being declined by one bank will only make it more difficult at the next.

With access to over 30 different banks and lending institutions EFS can use their industry knowledge and experience to tailor your lending requirements to minimise risk, maximise your debt reduction strategy, all without affecting your lifestyle.

EFS will show you things that the banks don’t want you to know.